Pet Odor Removal
in Rockwall, TX Area
If you are a Dallas area homeowner who has both rugs in your home and pets, you know that there needs to be a balance set up in order to keep your rugs looking their best and still allow your pet into your home.
This is where Doigg’s will come in. We are your one-stop-shop when it comes to removing pet odors from the rugs in your home. With our solutions, your pets and your rugs can both stay in your home.
How Damage to Your Rugs Can Occur
Though you may try to avoid them, pet accidents are a fact of life. When a pet has an accident on a rug, the urine can damage the rug itself, the floor underneath and it creates odors. As pets often do, once one accident has occurred, they tend to go back to the same spot again and again. Repeat accidents can cause rugs to crack and break, thoroughly destroying it. On top of this, the moisture left in the rug is perfect for mildew and mold growth. It also smells. Fortunately, in many cases, Doigg’s can repair the damage, which is often more affordable than a brand new rug.
Professional Rug Cleaning is Available from Doigg’s
Keeping your rugs clean and free from odor is an excellent way to keep your pets away from the rug. Doigg’s offers regular area rug cleaning that will take care of accidents, pet dander, stains and all odors. We carry materials and supplies that are safe for your pet and always test rugs before cleaning.
If you are a Dallas area homeowner and tired of your stained, stinky rugs contact Doigg’s today for exceptional service.
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