Dec 10, 2015
Most people don’t think twice about their dryer vents. They clean their lint trap with every load as they are supposed to and wonder why, six months down the road, their dryer is not working as well as it once did. The Dryer is a simple machine. It is just a...
Oct 10, 2015
While there are quite a few people who believe cleaning their air ducts will lead to better health and indoor air quality, there is no scientific evidence that cleaning your air ducts provides this on a vast scale, yet for those with health issues it may be otherwise....
Sep 10, 2015
Tiles and natural stone finishes help tie a room together, giving it a finishing touch that makes every room look like a page in a magazine. However, over time, the grout between the tile and stone may appear dingy looking or become stained. This this can quickly make...
Aug 10, 2015
Regardless what type of flooring you have in your home – carpets, hard wood, tile, etc. – stains happen. However, when you have an oriental rug, it will require a higher level of care than other flooring options. Ensuring that the rug remains in good condition is all...